Having a small business can sometimes put you on a tight budget. This can be a tricky situation when you want to market your business but don't have the means to do so. As you try to increase revenue and produce more income, there are certain methods you can use to market your business without sacrificing a budget.
Check out these free marketing ideas for your small business:
1. Content Marketing
Content marketing offers an incredible amount of value that you should surely take advantage of. It'll help you boost SEO, increase online visibility, drive traffic to your website, and gain attention of potential customers on your social media. Content marketing has a lot to do with visual aesthetic, so make sure the content you are putting out there is pleasing to the eyes.
2. Video Marketing
Videos are a good way to showcase your products, tell viewers about your business, explain services, or simply communicate with your audience. If you have a professional video camera already then put it to good use and if you don't, shoot a casual video with your iPhone but make sure the content is good and the video quality is appealing. Don't forget to include a strong call to action in your videos like "click the link below" or "swipe to see more".
3. Email Newsletters
E-blasts and newsletters still remain reliable when it comes to low budget marketing strategies. Create customized and targeted email content that will attract the recipient's attention. Use catchy subject lines, stick to a minimal word count, and include videos or pictures to make the email more amusing in order to maximize this free marketing tool.
4. Social Media
Social media seems to be the #1 marketing method being used by all sorts of companies, big or small. Thankfully, social media platforms are free and it can be a very powerful tool for marketing. Create a social media account for your business and try to build that account to its full potential. You can integrate video and content marketing all in one. Communication and consistency is key and although you won't gain a significant amount of followers in just one day, it'll pay off in the long run.
5. Hashtags
Incorporate hashtags on your social media posts. This will help increase your visibility when people search for certain topics, filter your content better, and drive traffic to your content. Just make sure to use hashtags according to the content you post.
6. Blogs
Blogging also helps with SEO, increasing traffic to your website, visibility, and most importantly it helps you teach your audience. In other words, blogs are a form of content marketing. You can provide the readers with stories about your business, helpful tips, and provide all sorts of useful information which will have readers coming back for more.
7. Cross Promotion
Since social media is a prime marketing platform, why not promote your business within distinct accounts? Maximize Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social platform to promote your business and build an audience. This will also help you reach more people since not everyone has the same social medias.